"Buffalo Study"
8.5" x 11"
Pencil Drawing
We took an absolutely amazing summer vacation this past July to Yellowstone National Park. Unless you've been there, you cannot imagine the land formations, animals, and much more you will see, some of which I didn't even know existed. It is incredibly awesome just to experience the majesty of God and all that he has created. There were times that I was just in complete awe of the sights I was seeing, from beautiful sunsets to intriguing geologic formations and lots of other things! Anyways, it inspired me in several ways, and I have to admit that it occurred to me when I was back home that I was experiencing some sort of an artistic block. Sometimes as an artist, I find it difficult to capture photos that I can work from and in this specific situation, not sure how to depict what I saw. One of the animals that intrigued me the most was one of the most common animals you will see in Yellowstone Park, the buffalo.
I had so many pictures and was still unsure of what I wanted to do, so I began a buffalo study. The first one above is Buffalo Study 1 in pencil. I have yet to finish this buffalo study as I determined I would like to get away from wildlife and create something I'm more passionate about. Following my buffalo study was a landscape inspired by my Yellowstone photos, which will soon be posted.